If you are looking to globally expand your business in
India, we can help you do the premilnary research.
Overall, the business environment is much favourable to make a shift of operation or to build a new profit center in India. Based on the industry dynamics prevailing at the time of willingness to enter, DevX can provide a Market & Industry Analysis report to better clarity.
Our people's person and head honcho will aid clients in building an organization structure required to get the India business operations in place. It helps to set up people, process and target audience in place to be able to identify the interlinked relationship.
A detailed industry analysis of the prevailing market and who are the major players. Alongside, information on competitors and their share in the market with strategies used to achieve the growth.
Focus on understanding the consumer based on insights gathered from primary data with hypothesis attained from secondary data and using the same to create strategies to beat competition in the market by acquring larger set of customer through analytics.
While the initial market analysis is carried out, simultanously carrying out team building initiatives to recruit the required talent into managing the business in initial days.
DevX, helps you identify the business competitors and through research identifies their product, sales and marketing strategies that can help you in outranking them with solid business strategies. A strategic document of major competitors can do the trick.
Work with DevX to begin your business backed by a strong industry analysis and team building approach to run the venture successfully.